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All You Need To Know About Caring For An Aussiedoodle Puppy

Aussiedoodles are a unique crossbreed of the Australian Shepherd and Poodle. They have the intelligence and energy of the Australian Shepherd and the trainability, agility, and hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle. With proper care, they make great companions with outgoing personalities.

If you're looking for a loyal, fun-loving, and eager pup, then an Aussiedoodle puppy might be just what you need. Here are some tips on how to take great care of your new pup.

Exercise Regime 

Aussiedoodles love playing games like fetch and tug-of-war. These activities help keep them physically fit while stimulating their minds by providing mental challenges such as problem-solving or learning new commands or tricks.

In addition, daily walks should be part of your pup's exercise routine to help burn off extra energy and keep them healthy. Aussiedoodles are also great athletes, so enrolling them in an agility class or sports activities like flyball can give them the physical and mental stimulation they need.

Exercise helps ward off boredom which can lead to destructive behavior such as chewing furniture or barking incessantly. They may also become anxious if not given enough physical activity.

If you're away from home for long periods, hire a pet sitter or take your pup to doggy daycare so that they can get plenty of exercise and socialization even when you're not there.

Feeding Schedule 

Aussiedoodles are hearty eaters and will usually do well on high-quality dry dog food. Dry food helps keep their teeth clean and healthy, and it's easier to digest.

If you want to give your pup something special, you can offer them healthy treats like unsalted nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables, or yogurt. To help prevent dental disease, give your pup toys or bones they can gnaw on.

You need to keep a consistent feeding schedule with Aussiedoodles, as they tend to get anxious when their meals are unpredictable. Make sure to feed them at the same time each day and provide plenty of fresh water for them to drink.

Training Basics 

Aussiedoodles are highly intelligent dogs who learn quickly, so don't shy away from teaching them basic commands like sit, stay, come, and down. This will help build a strong bond between you two while teaching them proper manners around other people and animals.

Training should start as soon as possible but should be done in short bursts so that it doesn't become too overwhelming for either you or your pup. Positive reinforcement is key — reward good behavior with treats or verbal praise!