Teaching Children About the Responsibilities of Pet Ownership

Caring For Your New Goldendoodle Pup

A Goldendoodle puppy makes a great addition to the family. Once you bring your new pup home there are some things you will need to do to take care of your pup and get them accustomed to its new environment. A Goldendoodle pup is not that difficult to care for, here are some tips that will help. 


Your Goldendoodle puppy will need to be vaccinated against several diseases, there is a vaccination schedule that you will need to adhere to so that your puppy remains healthy. You should talk to your vet about it, and find out the best schedule for your puppy's vaccination. This is an important part of keeping your puppy healthy.

Exercise Is Key

You will need to get your puppy a lot of exercise because they have very high energy levels. Giving your puppy time outside every day is critical. You should allow them to walk, run, swim and even hike when you can. However, be careful not to overdo it as this can lead to further complications.

Adequate Nutrition

This breed of dog is very active so you need to make sure that you give them the right nutrition. You can feed your dog both dry and wet food. Make sure that any dry you give them is loaded with proteins to help support their growing bodies. Look for dog food that is labeled as made for puppies. 

These foods will usually contain all the right ingredients for nurturing your pup. Make sure you provide adequate amounts of water especially after your puppy has been active or if the day is very hot.

Training Your Pup

Golden doodle pups are just like other pups. They like to play and chew. You could find valuable shoes and handbags destroyed if you don't train your pup correctly. Take the time to get informed about how to train them. You can find information online and in books. 

You will also need to potty train them as well and this can take some time. Having a reward system that involves treats while training them will help them to learn acceptable behaviors quickly.

Your Goldendoodle puppy will provide you with years of companionship if you take care of them adequately. They are an active and energetic breed and make excellent companions if you like to be active. Once you adequately train them your puppy will learn acceptable behaviors that make it easy to integrate them into the family.

If you're ready for a new dog, reach out to a breeder to find Goldendoodle puppies for sale.